Empowering women search entrepreneurs.

The Women’s Search Network (WSN) provides a platform to encourage more women to consider entrepreneurship through acquisition (ETA) as a viable career path and to support female searchers and CEOs achieve the highest levels of success.

Our Mission

We aim to empower women through education and to create meaningful opportunities for women in ETA to connect with, learn from, and support one another on their leadership journey.

Expose. Empower. Enrich.

Prospective Searchers

We EXPOSE Prospective Searchers to all facets of ETA to ensure that they have a clear view of the opportunities and challenges of this career path.

  • We provide networking opportunities for prospective searchers to connect with and learn from current searchers and CEOs, the best source of information about the search fund journey.
  • We host in-person events associated with industry conferences to provide further opportunities for networking across our member base.
  • We offer webinars and in-person educational sessions on topics relevant to prospective searchers, from best practices in creating a PPM to family planning as a search entrepreneur.

Active Searchers

We EMPOWER Active Searchers by providing them with tools, resources, and support to increase their likelihood of acquiring.

  • We group current searchers with peers in their cohort together with a Search CEO to facilitate community-building and ongoing mentorship.
  • We host webinars on relevant and tactical topics such as how to buy a software company and best practices in sourcing healthcare companies.
  • We create and share resources on leading in the first 100 days, getting the most out of your board, and finding an executive coach, all intended to educate and support searchers as they prepare to become CEOs.


We ENRICH CEOs by providing resources and support to ensure they are primed for success leading and generating value across their companies.

  • We create a space for community building and learning through our annual in-person CEO retreat.
  • We offer educational resources to support CEOs in their leadership journey.
  • We enable a platform for CEOs to easily connect with one another to facilitate a strong peer network of learning and resource sharing.

It’s an exciting time for women in search.

In the last five years, there has been exponential growth in the number of women pursuing search as a career, with record numbers of female CEOs now leading search-acquired businesses.

*Numbers represent all female searchers known to the Women’s Search Network. It includes searchers who pursued traditional, self-funded and accelerator-backed searches. We believe this is largely representative (though not all inclusive) of the universe of women who are searching or leading search-acquired companies.

Just do it! There are so many unknowns in search and in life but taking the plunge is the best decision I have made in my life. Invest in YOU!

Adriana Garcia Ceja
CEO, ElderTree

When fundraising, ask prospective investors some hard questions about their values on topics important to you, like family planning. You want to align yourself with partners that support you. Speak with female CEOs that have gone through the process. We want to help women pursue search funds and are happy to talk to you!

Hannah Greenberg
CEO, Eleven Software

Nothing worthwhile is easy. Expect searching to be hard but remind yourself you're resilient. Also, you can still buy a company later in life even if you give search your best go and it doesn't pan out in that 2-year time frame. Might as well give it your all!

Kendall Meyertons
Current Searcher
Featured Exited CEO

Paige Sopcic

Paige Sopcic transitioned from Broadtree Partners to acquire and lead CanSource, which was recently acquired by TricorBraun.

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Featured Exited CEO

Nikita Sunilkumar

Nikita is based out of Trilogy’s office in Bellevue, Washington and joined the team after a successful exit as CEO of Crown Health.

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Featured Exited CEO

Patricia Riopel

Patricia is among the first five women to successfully exit a search fund-owned business in North America and the first in Canada.

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Featured Exited CEO

Nikita Sunilkumar

Nikita is based in Bellevue, Washington, with a diverse background spanning engineering, CEO roles, and consulting— with a palpable passion for fostering diversity in the search community.

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